From the suburbs to the country in Independence Township, this is our journey. We are two suburban yuppies who always had a dream to leave it all behind and become country dweller's. Now we are on part two of this adventure. We just bought our Historical farm. We have six acres, a barn, some outbuildings, three excited kids, three dogs, one cat, a tortoise and us, the wonderstruck parents who are beyond thrilled and a little bit clueless about what the next chapter has in store for us!

Dexter and Lilly
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Morning light
Morning at the farm is delightful. I love going out, feeding everyone, and then sitting with my coffee in the goat pen, just taking in the sounds and sights around me. The early sun streams through the old tree that shades half of the goat run and most of the pig pen. It backs up to the side of the 100 plus year old barn. It's a storybook tree. Like the ones in fairy tales; old, rugged, outstretched, twisty arms and very, very majical. The starlings are busy feeding their babies that are hidden between the cracks in the barn siding. And the Wrens, and Jays and Bluebirds are all busy mating, nest building and feeding. The Barn Swallows gracefully swoop over the goats and pigs, who are oblivious to their acrobatics. It's so peaceful. I sit on the bench that we put in the goat run for them to climb on. Goats love to climb! I also dragged a large Maple branch that fell in a storm, and propped it up on the bench. Now Daisy and Banjo nibble the bark and leaves from the branch and jump on and off the bench. Eventually we will build a bigger, more elaborate play structure for them, but for now, they are happily entertained. I am getting two more goats in July. They are Miniature Silky Fainting goats. They are similar to my Nigerian Dwarfs in size, but have long silky hair and they faint when startled. Well, they don't actually faint, but they have a condition where their muscles tense up and they fall over. It's actually pretty funny to see. But I love them for their coloring and the fact that they are dog-like in personality. Sweet, affectionate and playful. Daisy, my female Nigerian is the sweetest goat ever! She loves to be petted, and brushed. And she loves to smell my breath. She has stolen my heart. Banjo is still so young, and developing his personality. I would say he is more playful and aloof. He is still being bottle fed, and going to get neutered next week. But he is a doll and the kids adore him. Lilly and Dexter are the Mini pigs. They love each other and sleep together in their pig hut. Dexter is neutered, but we may breed Lilly one day. For now though, they are just sweet, happy and very spoiled pigs. We also have two Pekin ducks, which we raised from day old ducklings. They free range around the yard and have a dog house that they sleep in at night. I think they are both females. And they are inseperable. The chickens are all almost full grown. We also raised all of them from day old chicks. We have eight total. One Coocoo Maran, one Silverlaced Wyandotte, one Goldenlaced Wyandotte, one Arucana, one Delaware, one Salmon Faverolle, and two Polish Cresteds. I would like to get a few Silkies soon and put them in a separate coop. Silkies are much more delicate, they are flightless and have fluff, not feathers. But they are so cute and sweet that they are hard to resist! We plan to build a 4 foot fence around the coops so that they can free-range without my dogs attacking them. It's a work in progress, but it's so much fun to be doing all of the outdoor projects first. We moved in right when Spring started so it has been all about the outside of the house. The painting on the inside can wait. Luckily the previous owners chose nice colors, so it still looks good. We also planted the front flower beds and did some tree trimming. And we opened the pool and got that ready for summer too. We need to stain the deck around the pool though, it looks like it hasn't been done in a few years. And we got the trampline up for the kids. The yard is beautiful! We have one huge old Willow tree that hangs over our gazebo and another smaller one in the yard that we hung our daughters horse tire swing on. We almost named the farm after the Willows, but we stuck with "Daisy Hill" since it has so much meaning for us. And of course I named my first goat Daisy, so she can be our unofficial mascot! With six acres, that are uneven, and hilly and rough in some areas, we needed to upgrade our riding mower. So Roger bit the bullet and bought an ExMark zero turn mower. It was worth every penny! For this kind of acreage, you need a durable, fast, powerful mower. Otherwise he would be mowing all day long once a week. Now it takes about 2 hours!
So far I have learned a few things about farm living:
1. The floors are always dirty. I sweep at least once or twice a day.
2. We wake much earlier and are way more tired in the evening.
3. When a pig escapes it's pen, don't chase it, just let it come back to the door on it's own. You will NEVER catch a pig!
4. Bats, snakes, turtles, pheasants, wild turkeys, deer, and various wildlife also share our farm. Sometimes it's good, sometimes bad.
5. I am at my happiest when sitting with my animals, surrounded by nature.
6. My dog Lulu LOVES to eat duck, goat and chicken poop!
So,the move was the best decision we ever made. We love Clarkston, and Ortonville. And we love the house and the property. I will post pics of the animals and the house.
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Inspiration that helped me get here.
Keep your eye on the prize and hand on the plow. It's easy to lose sight of what you want, especially if you haven't gotten it. I know it's less work to put the wish away, to pretend that the wish itself has disappeared. But it's important to know what your prize is, because that is part of who you are. Whether it's financial stability, two children, a collection of poetry, or a happy marriage, take Winston Churchill's advice and never give in. Never give in. Never give in.
Food for thought
The increase in U.S. food prices from 1982 to 2009 rose 128%.In the same period, prices paid to farmers rose only 34%.
1 in 3 Americans born in 2000 is expected to develop diabetes in his or her lifetime.
Jargon-food sovereignty: the right of peoples to eat healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems.
(from the declaration of Nyeleni, 2007)
32 hours, 50 minutes- The amount of on-screen media, including television, videos and video games that American children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old consume each week, according to the Nielsen Company.
1 in 3 Americans born in 2000 is expected to develop diabetes in his or her lifetime.
Jargon-food sovereignty: the right of peoples to eat healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems.
(from the declaration of Nyeleni, 2007)
32 hours, 50 minutes- The amount of on-screen media, including television, videos and video games that American children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old consume each week, according to the Nielsen Company.
A must see film
Food, INC. by Robert Kenner is a must see film. You can rent it or buy it on Amazon for $10.00.
It will change the way you shop, the way you feed your family and the way you look at food and farming in our country.
For small hobby farmers, and health conscious people alike, please, please, see this film! It is eye-opening to say the least!
It will change the way you shop, the way you feed your family and the way you look at food and farming in our country.
For small hobby farmers, and health conscious people alike, please, please, see this film! It is eye-opening to say the least!
I loved this so much that I had to post it. I cannot take credit, I found it on the web.
All I need to know I learned from my chickens.
Wake up early, stay busy, but always stay alert.
Visit your favorite places every day.
Scratch out a living.
Routine is good.
Plump is good.
Don't ponder your pupose in life, your brain is too small.
Accept the pecking order and you know your enemies.
Weed your garden.
Protect your children fiercely, sit on them if you need to.
Take them for walks, show them the little things, and talk constantly.
Brag on your accomplishments.
Don't count your chicks before they hatch.
Protect your nest egg.
Test your wings once in a while.
Squawk when necessary.
As you age, demand respect.
Leave a little something for those who care about you.
Chase butterflies.
All I need to know I learned from my chickens.
Wake up early, stay busy, but always stay alert.
Visit your favorite places every day.
Scratch out a living.
Routine is good.
Plump is good.
Don't ponder your pupose in life, your brain is too small.
Accept the pecking order and you know your enemies.
Weed your garden.
Protect your children fiercely, sit on them if you need to.
Take them for walks, show them the little things, and talk constantly.
Brag on your accomplishments.
Don't count your chicks before they hatch.
Protect your nest egg.
Test your wings once in a while.
Squawk when necessary.
As you age, demand respect.
Leave a little something for those who care about you.
Chase butterflies.
About Me

- C1
- I am a busy mommy of 3. Ages 10, 8 and 6. Two crazy boys and a just-as-crazy daughter. My husband Roger and I have been married for 11 years this June. He runs a family owned Architecture company in Bloomfield Hills. I am a clothing consultant for a wonderful company. But for the most part, I am just a country girl at heart. I have an amazing love of animals, all kinds, big or small. I love nature and feeling the rythms of the earth. I love to garden and grow my own veggies and fruits. So, it was only natural that I would some day grow up and buy a farm. I am just a mommy who wants to share my passion for all things natural with my family and friends. So, we are giving it our best shot!
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